Thursday, December 10, 2009


I haven't been able to really read about it, but from what I have heard from other friends and heard about on TV, the new security measures are to "block" or limit how much other people can see your info (stats, vids, pics, notes, bumper stickers...). I think all this is being created because of the increasing "invasion of privacy" that has been going around. I think it will affect the way I use facebook because I wont have to be as worried about who can access my information and I will feel a lot safer.

I think it is kind of mean for people to be posting stuff of others without them knowing about it. But I guess that its acceptable now days because everything is sooooo public. Technology is amazing, but it has made stalking people, looking at their stuff and just doing things soooo much easier!! The fact that we can access someones life like what they do on weekends, where they live, their hobbies all of that can be seen with a click of a button makes security and rules all the more important. I think that you should be able to control who has pictures of you, and who posts videos of you, but lets face it. If i really wanted to be mean to someone I could just block them. I think parents would raise hell if it was the other way around, so what ever happens is just a valid consequence. I think the school should just tell the person to take them down and tell them not to do anything and we should all move on with our lives. :D

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